Math Question

Ine Dox prots show the target heart rates of men \( 20-40 \) years old and men \( 50-70 \) years old.
Target Heart Rates of Men
Which statement is best supported by the information in the box plots?
a The interquartile range of the data for men \( 20-40 \) years old is greater than the interquartile range of the data for men \( 50-70 \) years old.
b The minimum target heart rate for men 20-40 years old is less than the minimum target heart rate for men 50-70 years old.
c The median of the data for men 20-40 years old is less than the median of the data for men \( 50-70 \) years old.
d The range of the data for men \( 20-40 \) years old is less than the range of the data for men \( 50-70 \) years old.



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