Math Question

There is a \( 70 \% \) chance that a person eats dinner, a \( 50 \% \) chance a person eats dessert and a \( 35 \% \) chance the person will eat dinner and dessert. Which of the following is true?

A. Eating dinner and eating dessert are dependent events because \( P \) (dinner) \( -P \) (dessert) \( =0.7-0.5=0.2 \) which is less than \( P( \) dinner and dessert \( )=0.35 \).
B. Eating dinner and eating dessert are independent events because \( P( \) dinner \( )-P \) (dessert) \( =0.7-0.5=0.2 \) which is less than \( P( \) dinner and dessert) \( =0.35 \).
C. Eating dinner and eating dessert are dependent events because \( P( \) dinner \( ) \cdot P \) (dessert) \( =0.7 \cdot 0.5=0.35 \) which is equal to \( P( \) dinner and dessert \( )=0.35 \).
D. Eating dinner and eating dessert are independent events because \( P( \) dinner \( ) \cdot P( \) dessert \( )=0.7 \cdot 0.5=0.35 \) which is equal to \( P( \) dinner and dessert \( )=0.35 \).



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