Math Question

¿ \( 2.23 \) Qulz Using Probability to Make Decisions
Anne is choosing a contractor. She has narrowed down her selectlon to two companles and will base her declsion on the Ilkellhood that the job Is done on time and on budget. She uses online reviews to estimate the probabllitles.
\hline & Contraotor A & Conteotor B \\
\hline Proboility that tho job & \( 0.95 \) & \( 0.98 \) \\
\hline lodono time & & \( 0.93 \) \\
\hline Probability that thejob ledone within budget & \( 0.97 \) & \\
Which contractor should Anne choose to maximize the probability that the job will be done on time and on budget? Assume all events are independent.
A. Contractor A. The probability that both conditions are met is \( 0.92 \).
B. Contractor B. The probability that both conditions are met is \( 0.91 \).
C. Contractor A. The probability that both conditions are met is \( 0.93 \).
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