Math Question

Lucy made tables of values to approximate the solution to a system of equations. First she found that the \( x \)-value of the solution was between 1 and 2 , and then she found that it was between \( 1.5 \) and 2. Next, she made this table.
\hline\( x \) & \( y=-3 x+6 \) & \( y=4 x-5 \) \\
\hline \( 1.5 \) & \( 1.5 \) & 1 \\
\hline \( 1.6 \) & \( 1.2 \) & \( 1.4 \) \\
\hline \( 1.7 \) & \( 0.9 \) & \( 1.8 \) \\
\hline \( 1.8 \) & \( 0.6 \) & \( 2.2 \) \\
\hline \( 1.9 \) & \( 0.3 \) & \( 2.6 \) \\
\hline 2 & 0 & 3 \\
Which ordered pair is the best approximation of the exact solution?
A. \( (1.6,1.3) \)
B. \( (1.9,1.5) \)
C. \( (1.7,0.9) \)
D. \( (1.5,1.8) \)



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