Math Question

According to the Community College Research Center at the Teachers College of Columbia University in New York, \( 32 \% \) of community college students work full-time (full-time defined to be a person working 35 or more hours per week). Bryanna believes that this percentage may be higher among \( C B C \) students, so she decides to take a survey of \( C B C \) students to determine if her hypothesis is correct or not. This can be defined as a formal hypothesis as follows:
H_{0}: p=0.32 \\
H_{a}: p>0.32
Based on your solutions to Questions (1.)-(4.), which of the following best describes what Bryanna's decision should be and how it should be interpreted?
Reject \( H_{0} \). There is enough evidence to suggest that more than \( 32 \% \) of \( \mathrm{CBC} \) students are working full time.
Reject \( H_{0} \). There is not enough evidence to suggest that more than \( 32 \% \) of \( C B C \) students are working full time.
Fail to reject \( H_{0} \). There is not enough evidence to suggest that more than \( 32 \% \) of CBC students are working full time.
Fail to reject \( H_{0} \). There is enough evidence to suggest that more than \( 32 \% \) of \( \mathrm{CBC} \) students are working full time.



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