Math Question

The numbers of polio cases in the world are shown in the table for various years.
\hline Year & Number of Polio Cases (thousands) \\
\hline 1988 & 350 \\
\hline 1992 & 138 \\
\hline 1996 & 30 \\
\hline 2000 & 4 \\
\hline 2005 & \( 3.2 \) \\
\hline 2007 & \( 1.3 \) \\
Let \( f(t) \) be the number of polio cases in the world \( t \) years since 1980 .
Use a graphing calculator to draw a scattergram of the data. Is it better to model the data by using a linear or exponential model? Select an answerv
Find an equation of \( f \). Hint
\( f(t)= \)
Round the coefficients to 2 decimal places.
The number of polio cases Select an answerv by Select an answerv per year.
Predict the number of polio cases in \( 2018 . \)
Predict in which year there will be 1 case of polio.
Find the approximate half-life of the number of polio cases. Hint
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