Math Question

Jamie wants to prove that the opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent. To start his proof, he draws parallelogram \( W X Y Z \) and diagonal \( \overline{X Z} \).
Complete the proof that the opposite sides of \( W X Y Z \) are congruent.
Since \( W X Y Z \) is a parallelogram, \( \overline{W X} \| \overline{Z Y} \) and \( \overline{W Z} \| \overline{X Y} \). By the
\( \nabla \) is congruent to itself by the \( -\angle W X Z \cong \angle Y Z X \) and \( \angle W Z X \cong \) Also,
Congruence Theorem, \( \triangle W X Z \cong \triangle Y Z X \).
Because are congruent, \( \overline{W X} \cong \overline{Z Y} \) and \( \overline{W Z} \cong \overline{X Y} . \) So, the opposite sides of parallelogram \( W X Y Z \) are congruent.



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