Math Question

Northlake High School has two lunch periods. Students can eat their lunch in the cafeteria or on an outside patio. About \( 35 \% \) of students who have first lunch eat outside. Compare this with the percentage of second-lunch students who eat outside.
\hline & Eat outside & Eat inside & Total \\
\hline First lunch & \( 0.19 \) & \( 0.35 \) & \( 0.54 \) \\
\hline Second lunch & \( 0.18 \) & \( 0.24 \) & \( 0.46 \) \\
\hline Total & \( 0.41 \) & \( 0.59 \) & \( 1.0 \) \\
Select the true statement.
A. A smaller percentage of second-lunch students (24\%) eat outside.
B. A greater percentage of second-lunch students ( \( 41 \%) \) eat outside.
C. A smaller percentage of second-lunch students (18\%) eat outside.
D. A greater percentage of second-lunch students ( \( 39 \% \) ) eat butside.



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