Math Question

Graph of \( g \)
3. The graph of the continuous function \( g \), the derivative of the function \( f \), is shown above. The function \( g \) is piecewise linear for \( -5 \leq x<3 \), and \( g(x)=2(x-4)^{2} \) for \( 3 \leq x \leq 6 \).
(a) If \( f(1)=3 \), what is the value of \( f(-5) \) ?
(b) Evaluate \( \int_{1}^{6} g(x) d x \).
(c) For \( -5<x<6 \), on what open intervals, if any, is the graph of \( f \) both increasing and concave up? Give a reason for your answer.
(d) Find the \( x \)-coordinate of each point of inflection of the graph of \( f \). Give a reason for your answer.



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